Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Principles of Design

BALACE- is when the visual "weight" of an artwork feels equally distributed

Symmetry- same on the left same on the right

Approximately Symmetrical- almost symmetrical

Asymmetry- opposite of symmetry

Radial- going to be the same where ever the line is drawn

EMPHASIS- when one element in an artwork appears to be more important or attract the most
attention, we say it creates

Placement- where artist put stuff

Contrast- when something is very different to what is around it

Grouping- when artist takes a bunch of elements and put them together around the thing they want people to look at

RHYTHM & MOVEMENT- how the artist guides the viewer through a work of art

Repetition- same elements, altering elements, progression, repeating

Leading Lines- somewhere in the picture there is a line that leads us through

Implied Movement- shows literal movement, looks like moving, body position,

Optical Movement- repeat line or shape makes eye feel like motion is happening in the picture

Actual Movement- art that literally moves

PROPORTION- in art we are talking about the size relationships of the parts to one another or to the whole
When thinking about proportion think about how looks and think about a story or emotional component
We might use words like alot, a little, many, few, big, small, similar, etc.

UNITY- is the feeling that all the elements in work belong together

VARIETY- is achieved by introducing some differenced into the picture to increase visual interest

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