Monday, November 30, 2009

Reflecting on the Four Hour Project

I feel very good about the project. I also really enjoyed doing this project and hope to finish it when I get the chance. This project was my favorite project from the entire term. During this project we were given 4 hours to showcase our best art skills and hand it in although I haven't finished I felt I did fairly well. The process went well and in the first the first day although I talked a lot I got a lot of work done I completed the outline and the first half of my portrait. Although on the following days since we didn't have as much time I only completed the sketch of the face the other face and wasn't able to shade or color but overall the process went well. I understood all of the concepts that we learned this year and I tried as much as possible to utilize those concepts and skills while doing the project.I think that you can better assess my learning by assigning more drawing projects and assignments which I think may happen this term.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Book Project............. progress and planning

The story that I am telling is that a president of a country is being impeached for being caught squandering the countries money on stocks and the country ,like the U.S, is facing a recession. The people are greatly impacted by this recession and they are in a very miserable state. Then they elect a new president who promises to help them overcome this recession and he does. With this man as president they become one of the wealthiest countries in the world and the country is now as beautiful as ever and the people are overjoyed. So far the process is going fairly well but with the class time I now have I plan to catch up. The challenges that I've faced were taking plain pictures that I planned to keep the same and changing them so that they are now different using the principles of design. One thing that is going well is that I have one picture completed and I like it. What isn't working is that I don't have a lot done.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Drawing the Human Figure From the Inside Out

The goals for today's class drawings were to draw various classmates, while they were in all kinds of obscure positions that were difficult to draw. The ways that I achieved these goals were to start from the center of their body/ waist, like Ms. Roberts demonstrated, and work my way down by drawing the legs and feet. Then, I drew the top of the figure, stomach and head to complete and balanced the sketch out. Then after we figured out the porportions and the main scheme of the drawing then we added detail such as eyes, clothing and etc.Throughout this activity I didn't face any challenges other than the fact that we couldn't erase. The final product of my drawings were pretty good and I was very surprised because my portraits looked a lot like the people we were drawing. Next time I will try not to make many mistakes so that I will not need an eraser.