Monday, November 9, 2009

The Book Project............. progress and planning

The story that I am telling is that a president of a country is being impeached for being caught squandering the countries money on stocks and the country ,like the U.S, is facing a recession. The people are greatly impacted by this recession and they are in a very miserable state. Then they elect a new president who promises to help them overcome this recession and he does. With this man as president they become one of the wealthiest countries in the world and the country is now as beautiful as ever and the people are overjoyed. So far the process is going fairly well but with the class time I now have I plan to catch up. The challenges that I've faced were taking plain pictures that I planned to keep the same and changing them so that they are now different using the principles of design. One thing that is going well is that I have one picture completed and I like it. What isn't working is that I don't have a lot done.

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